Points One Through Five: I Only Get Three Minutes

As part of my campaign for ORP National Committeeman, my presentation at the March 21st Oregon Republican Party Central Committee election meeting will be an incredibly brief three minutes. There will be no way to cover everything that should be covered and so I will address those points this way, via email. Over the next two weeks I will send a series of messages like this one to SCC members. The messages will be brief, but I’ve added links if you want to go deeper (and I urge you to do that). Here are my first five points and they all have to do with the direction of the Party as channeled by its most senior member and obvious Executive Committee power-broker, current National Committeeman Solomon Yue.

  1. Democrats are waging an all-out war against us, and we need to fight back. Why doesn’t our top Republican Party leadership see this? Ninety-five percent of our Republican base joins President Trump in understanding this key point. (One has to give credit to our Democrat progressive opponents. Despite their insanity, they fight tooth-and-nail, they never back down, and they never apologize.)
  2. The Committeeman election is a critical fork-in-the-road for the ORP. Will our Party can keep going steeply downhill under the iron-grip leadership of National Committeeman Solomon Yue? Or will we elect new leadership, myself or John Lee, and dramatically change direction? Here in this homepage message, is an overview of our state Republican condition, and where I personally think the ORP should be headed .
  3. Leadership must stop moving to the Left, trying to appease a fictitious “blue Oregon.” Let’s proudly and confidently go back to our conservative roots. Here are successful examples of this approach. But good grief. Just watch Donald Trump and follow his lead. (And, Diana says, “Donald Trump is packing around a sack of backbones and he’s giving them away for free.”)
  4. The current top leadership’s enthusiasm for our president is thin and has a very short history. Don’t be fooled. After four years, it’s time to climb on the Trump Train like we mean it. We must stop squandering this incredible opportunity to take back power! THIS video says it all.
  5. We need a professional, properly funded organization. At a minimum this means an occupied headquarters office, a full-time paid Chairman/Executive director, and a full-time paid office manager. Our underfunded ORP organization, headed up by too-busy-elsewhere Solomon Yue (and executed by part-time Chairman Bill Currier), is little more than a social club. Donors, mostly business people,  see this colossal organizational failure and so they stay away. It’s a vicious circle.