February 6th, 2018
There’s a rumor being spread around by folks backing another contestant in this primary that the 63,000+ “Likes” on this Facebook page were “bought” and are not real people responding to the issues. That’s nonsense! While Twitter (which, so far, we haven’t even been using) is notorious for fake followers (and banning conservatives), these Facebook Likes are real – as evidenced by the literally tens of thousands of comments left here on this page by readers just like you. Comments, by the way, that I am personally reading and responding to.
Sharing of posts? Also in the tens of thousands….
These same supporters are also touting their candidate’s “lead” over me in a poll taken months ago – except for one problem: it’s not a real poll. It’s an iCitizen “poll.” I use quotation marks because iCitizen sends surveys – not polls – to people on their own e-mail lists. You can sign up at their website. So they control who votes and who doesn’t. This same “poll” also failed to include one of the people in the race – me, Sam Carpenter! Of course this unofficial candidate “leads” when his own “poll” (yes, it’s HIS OWN “poll,” – did I mention his campaign consultant is a VP of iCitizen?) fails to include his leading opponent!
Here are the facts: we have more than triple the Facebook following of Governor Kate Brown, and six times that of our closest Republican rival. (YES, the grassroots ARE on fire). The new candidate? He doesn’t yet have a campaign Facebook page or a campaign website.
Fake news.
As opposed to full-time fundraising, since September 1st, I’ve spent 6-8 hours per day (sometimes 12 hours or more a day), 7 days a week, communicating one-on-one with voters. That’s why I have so many Likes and why I lead in the race.
Two independent scientific polls, one from Zogby Polling and the other from Triton Polling, show my campaign performing better against Kate Brown than our nearest rival – as we’ve posted before.
Both of those polls agree: I am just one percentage point behind Kate Brown. (The mainstream media ignores our campaign. They really, really don’t want me to be the Republican nominee…).
The fact is, I am campaigning tirelessly one-on-one with YOU readers because I know that YOU ARE REAL and I value each and every one of you. And now I ask you to take just one moment to comment here and be heard – show Oregon and all the other candidates that YOU ARE REAL and that you demand to be heard.
Bottom line about those rumors? As our boy Justy here would say, “that dog won’t hunt…”