From Chapter 35 of the book Making Oregon Great Again, published April 2019. (Download this chapter, along with the mentioned Appendix S and T documents, here:
(Author’s note: The point of posting this excerpt: if we don’t change state-level ORP top leadership, we will continue to produce “moderate” Republican candidates and therefore we will continue to lose the state. These left-leaning Republicans simply can’t win general election races. An opportunity to make this change in leadership comes in an Oregon Republican Party Central Committee election for National Committeeman to be held on March 21, 2020 in an Oregon Republican State Central Committee intra-party election)
Here is the excerpt:
Nothing tangible is going to change in election outcomes until we replace our current top ORP leadership. As things stand now, we’re going to continue to lose important general elections because of the ORP’s failure to find viable conservative candidates due to their…
1. overt and covert preference for “moderate” Republican candidates
2. conscious decision to allow chaos to reign in primary elections
3. failure to quell personal-destruction mudslinging against
4. encouragement of vote-splitting and “capture and hold”
5. deliberate lack-of-action used as a tactic.”
The chief protagonist of the Oregon anti-Trump Ruling Class contingent is Solomon Yue. See Appendix S for a 2010 letter by former ORP Chair Bob Tiernan. It says it all, and it was written ten years ago…
Remember that chaos is key to creating an inefficient and therefore useless organization. (My bet is that Yue has a Mao quote to substantiate that point…).
Note that in my candidacy for ORP Chair in 2019, Bob Tiernan and three other past ORP presidents, plus a former U.S. House Representative, endorsed me and my slate. This action was in blunt opposition to existing ORP Ruling Class leadership. I didn’t personally ask any of them for their support. Unknown to me, they worked together and did it on their own. See Appendix T to read their endorsement letter.
*The Republican Ruling Class’s character destruction protocol: using mainstream media henchmen, the ultimate aim is the personal annihilation of any viable conservative candidate who challenges their stranglehold on power. The leftist-style attacks hinge on treachery and lies, always smothered in a bath of PC/virtue-signaling. The ultimate task is not just to defeat conservative candidates in primary elections, but to destroy them personally – and therefore politically – so they never reappear. And yes, so they will serve as examples of what will happen to any future grassroots conservative candidates who have the temerity to challenge Ruling Class authority.