Point #84: Are you ready to rock and roll?

March 12th, 2018

Our campaign infrastructure is complete! We’ve been building this “campaign machine” for months, and we’re ready to turn it on!

Our administration team in Bend is ready to rock and roll! Are you?

Are you ready to volunteer? Would you like free signs and brochures? How about a MOGA hat? Letter writing?
We’ve got eight weeks to hammer!

This is grassroots/guerrilla WARFARE and it’s time to take back this state! We’re going to Make Oregon Great Again! But first we must win the primary election in May!

Here’s what we can do for you…and what you can do for us:

  1. GET A FREE YARD SIGN (18” by 24”, with wire stand) shipped to your home. No cost. No obligation. Via the US Post Office, we’ll ship your sign the day we receive your online request. Go here for details and to get your sign (and yes, you can get more than one, but we must charge our cost of $10.00 each for additional ones). No internet? Call us at 877-681-1430.
  2. In our Bend office, WE NEED TWO VOLUNTEERS willing to work 4-6 hours per day, 2-3 days per week, to do the packaging and shipping of the above signs. Must be reasonably computer literate and fit/energetic enough to do some light lifting. There’s other work too, depending on your capabilities. Interested? Email us at info@makeoregongratagain.com, or call us 877-681-1430
  3. FREE 4′ x 8′ FIELD SIGNS. We have pick-up locations in Bend and Salem but we will deliver your sign if you can’t get to Bend or Salem. We’ll give you the sign for free, but ask you to mount it at your location. This week, on this site, we are going to post written instructions about how to mount/install these big signs yourself. Go here to sign up
  4. WE NEED TWO BEND-BASED SIGN DELIVERY VOLUNTEERS, with a long-bed pickup or flatbed or panel truck to do the field-sign delivery! Husband and wife team? Perfect! My campaign will cover your gas and lodging. Will begin delivery on April 1st. Prepare to tour the entire state in your truck over a period of a week to ten days. Hammer down!
  5. DO YOU WANT A FREE MOGA HAT? Make a contribution of $50 or more and we’ll send you a hat! ($100? We’ll send you two hats…). Choose U of O (gold and green), or Oregon State (orange and black)! Remember, if you work and pay taxes, you’ll get the $50 (or $100 for a couple) back when you do your taxes next spring! That makes the hat free!) Go here and then email us and tell us which color combo you want. We’ll ship it out the same day
  6. GET A PACKAGE OF OUR NEW BROCHURES: Will you pass out our brand new beautiful new Z-fold brochures to your friends, neighbors and/or family? They look terrific. Well send twenty five of them to you for free (if you want more than 25 shipped, email us at info@makeoregongreatagain.com with your request). In any case, just sign up here and we’ll send get them out to you via USPS the next day.
  7. WILL YOU WRITE LETTERS to your local newspaper? For complete instructions and sample letters, sign up here

THANK YOU from all of us!