The problem we all share:
The presidential election results were fraudulent. More than half of Americans know this for sure.
This means that if Biden becomes President, more than half of Americans will have lost faith in our system. In shaping our futures and our country, voting has been all 99.99% of us have had to express ourselves in a meaningful way. If most of us lose faith in that process, it will be a free-for-all. The downward spiral will quickly take shape and we won’t be able to stop it.
If Donald Trump retains his presidency, then the Left will be violently in the streets of our cities.
I say, let’s hope for the latter. The violent Left is a tiny minority. They will do what they will do and we’ll respond in the ways we must.
As for what you can personally do right now? Don’t get caught up in the ain’t-it-awful mental cesspool that leads nowhere and instead go into defensive mode: protect your family by hoarding your cash and selling what you don’t need, do not over-extend your debt, and consider moving to a red state rural area if you possibly can.
It’s a win-win: none of the above will hurt you should Donald Trump succeed in preserving his presidency.
It’s very simple: hope for the best but intensively plan for the worst.
Winter may be coming.