RINOs Defined: Letter from my Friend Patrick Martin

Below is a letter from my friend Patrick Martin….I get that this describes the Left, but what distresses us is that it even better describes the RINOs who claim to be on our side, as they simultaneously work hard to subvert us. -sam

From Patrick:
“The words ‘When the mind is blind the eyes do not see’ was in CIA inner correspondence in reference to the end result of propaganda and or indoctrination rather than teaching.”

“The words ‘Mind Trap’ was a term George Soros used. He said ‘We’ll put them in a mind trap’, also speaking of propaganda/indoctrination.

“A former Russian KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov from the cold war era and master of subversion/propaganda said. Once the mind set has taken hold the subjects cannot be swayed. He went on to say it would take a ‘jack boot’ kick into a dark damp prison cell to make a subverted person realized they were wrong but by then it’s too late.

“Leftist are ‘Useful Idiots’ who will have no place by those who use them to subvert a nation and will be tossed to the wayside. In 1961, American journalist Frank Gibney wrote that Lenin had coined that phrase.'”