Editorial by David Jaques, Roseburg Beacon
Impeach Justice Kavanaugh, Impeach President Trump…when does it end?
The Democrats in Congress have absolutely no concept of leading this nation. Pelosi has not even pretended to announce a legislative agenda since she was handed the Speaker’s gavel, again, some 22 months ago. About all she can do is try to manage the outright communists in ‘The Squad’ and try to do damage control from the agenda that they and the Democrat candidates for president roll out each time there is a debate.
Make no mistake, in spite of her stammering and evasive presentation style, Pelosi is no dummy, and is very much a political animal; one whose natural instinct is to survive, and she can read the handwriting on the wall, and the ‘real polling’ data that she has access to. And the bottom line is that she knows her days as speaker are numbered if she can’t uncouple from the New Green Deal and the Medicare-for-all fake entitlement programs being pushed by the aforementioned socialists, who have now hijacked the Democrat Party.
Let’s look back to the Democrats’ first calls to Impeach Trump. Representative Maxine Waters has been literally screaming this mantra since before the President’s Inaugural speech. They have tried everything they could think of to find something that rises to the level of an impeachable offense. First it was making his personal tax returns available, then Russian collusion, followed by nearly two and a half years of the Mueller “investigation,” and simultaneously it was his nomination of Bret Kavanaugh as Supreme Court Justice, with intermittent sprinkles of phony sex scandals and payoffs, then racism, and on it goes…with no end in sight.
The most recent hack on the President was that his economic policies are a failure, and that we are in, or heading into, a great recession. Only problem with that one is that the Fed and the markets don’t see it that way. So what do the Dems have left but to go back to their original tactic to Impeach.
So here they are shifting gears once again, only this time it’s down shifting, gears grinding all the way.
And the Impeachment scheme is the biggest grind of them all. As Congressman Doug Collins from Georgia put it in the Lewandowski hearing “Here’s the problem: Seventeen members of the Judiciary Committee have said that they think the president ought to be impeached,” he said. “So, why are we still investigating it? The problem is, you don’t have the votes. You don’t have the numbers. Even if you got it out of this committee, you don’t have it on the floor. That’s your problem.”
So the Democrats are 0 for 5 (or 0 for 50) on presidential scandals. Nothing has stuck. But that of course does not stop the mainstream media from raising doubts about the president’s approval rating. Yet President Trump keeps turning out thousands in his rallies across the nation. And the economy is setting all-time records. And at the end of it all people will vote their pocketbooks.
The Democrats in Congress have offered no solutions, no agenda to help average working men and women, and no vision for the future. Their singular message has been hate Trump, and divide Americans. The American people want something more, and Trump has been delivering. His America First agenda, combined with the greatest economic expansion perhaps in our lifetime is speaking volumes, and even though it has had to rise above all the clamoring of the nay-sayers, it is still resonating with Americans from all walks of life!
Editor’s note: One of the things that really serves as motivation to keep us going is the positive feedback each week from a variety of sources about the content and reach of The Roseburg Beacon, now in our 11th year of publication. This week it came from Marylin Shannon who reported this: “I was at the Eagle Council in St. Louis this past weekend. A 96 year old woman from South Dakota sat next to me at lunch one day. She asked me, “Do you read the Roseburg Beacon? It is so good!” I told her yes I do. The editor is one of my closest friends. She thought I was the luckiest person ever. She lives in South Dakota, and has a great story. She is from Austria and she hates Socialism and Communism for all the right reasons.”