Our current leaders in Salem continue their leftist insanity.
Here’s an OPB report on the governor’s intentions regarding our forest wildfire crisis. The plan recommends a huge BandAid as it ignores the real problem.
No surprise, this “solution” is in perfect lockstep with any statist’s political theory-of-life which always emphasizes the growth of government, the increased subjugation of citizens, and problems that are never fixed.
Like so many Democrat progressive initiatives, this one is, in Dana Perino’s words, based on theory, feelings and fantasy. Not facts, logic and reality.
The governor’s proposal clings to the politically-motivated hysterical chimera of man-made climate change, ignoring proven forest management as it’s been practiced for hundreds of years in Europe and nearly one hundred years in the southern United States. (And note that way back in the sixties, this cultivate-the-forest-like-a-garden approach is why the Southeast took softwood production preeminence from the Northwest.)
The on-the-ground solution to stopping wildfires (and as a wonderful byproduct, the revitalization of Oregon’s rural economy) is simple: we must administer a massive mechanical cleanup, acre-by-acre, starting with firebreaks and then morphing into deep-internal thinning and fuel-removal. In our thirty million acres of Oregon forest, we’ve allowed forty years of utter neglect, but it won’t take “decades” to repair. Considering the mechanized advancements in forest management machinery, a decade will do it. This project will be a CCC-like quest, followed by on-going proper forest management that is not dictated by owls, salamanders and Portland/Salem socialists….socialists who will, no matter what, continue to rant that the real world must conform to their infantile yet tyrancial doctrines. Never mind the facts on the ground.
This cleanup project will quickly provide tens of thousands of jobs in rural Oregon, and it won’t cost four billion dollars to complete.
Of course fire-suppression must be properly funded while we restore our forests.
And what about the man-made climate change argument? For this particular issue, let’s not waste time arguing about whether it’s fact or fiction. The argument itself is a distraction. Even if manmade climate change is real, a massive cleanup is the most logical first-step in reducing wildfires…and rebuilding our rural economies. The entire left-to-right political spectrum can agree on that.
Of course the mandatory one-layer-deeper first step is to remove Democrat progressives from power. We’ll start that political clean-up process in November 2020 and we’ll finish it in November 2022.
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