Myth: that Oregon Republican voters have given up (and by inference, are lazy and uninformed.)
That’s insulting of course, but worse, it’s a deliberate smokescreen and a purposeful distraction by our so-called Republican leaders.
Oregon Republican voters like you and me have NEVER been “the problem.” The real problem is this: so many of our Republican political candidates – if there are any candidates at all – don’t represent us. They lean Left, and they equivocate on our president, buying into the B.S. argument that “Oregon is a blue state and obviously we must adapt!” and, “Trump tweets too much!”
How stupid? Who wants to vote for THOSE people?
And who propagates this myth that we must blame our voters for our powerlessness in Salem? That’s simple. It comes from our very top state-level Oregon Republican Party leadership. (And WHY do they propagate this myth? It’s truly diabolical, and I’ll get to the details in upcoming 2020 posts.)
In any case, as a bullet-proof general rule, one can always trace the reasons for a failed enterprise back to leadership. Always.
Democrat progressives, representing a distinct minority of Oregon voters, lead our state. In contrast, regular Oregonians, of all parties, people just like you and me, add up to a majority that supports our president without reservation and don’t want the state or federal government dictating our lives; taxing and regulating us to death, telling us how to think and feel…
Oregon has over 704,000 registered Republican voters and right now, over 90% of us support our courageous president.
We 90% don’t equivocate.
But our own Republican leadership sees things differently. Never mind what they say. Pay close attention what they do…and what they don’t do (More detail on all that soon too, a recap of the ORP’s utterly failed 2019 leadership, a leadership that must be removed. Stay tuned.)
Today? You and me, and the majority of those around us? We think red, but we have no power.
Am I being a “bad Republican?” Current state ORP chairman Bill Currier says I am, but he’s wrong for this reason alone: his leadership has zero impact on literally 99.9% of Oregon Republican voters. That means the state-level Oregon Republican Party organization has no credibility/legitimacy beyond their official title.
No one is listening to the ORP except the tiny remaining hard-core cadre of establishment loyalists, maybe a few hundred total. Yes, hard to believe, but it’s really true.
It’s the President Trump-supporting Oregon Republicans and their county Republican leadership that we at MOGA2020 care about.
We challenge the small cadre of establishment loyalists to stop buying into the smokescreen and the distraction of believing we the voters are at fault.
It’s a leadership problem! it’s ALWAYS a leadership problem! I know 90% of you get this!
Stay tuned, and so you don’t miss anything, be sure to join our mailing list at
For far more detailed info, start here with Chapter One of my book: