In Oregon, this November, there will be powerful Trump coattails!
Have you ever thought of running for public office? If so, NOW is the time. Seize this opportunity to step out of your comfort zone!
See map below. Do you live in one of the “red zones?” These are state House Districts with no Republican candidate filed with the Secretary of state as of last Friday. Eighteen districts out of sixty have no candidates!
You do not need previous political experience to run, although of course it helps….
It will never be easier than now for you to win an Oregon House seat because many, many voters, of all political stripes, will be voting straight Republican tickets in November. Take advantage of this unusual opportunity: in the May primary, if you are the only Republican candidate, you WILL be the Nominee for the November election in your district, ready to ride those Trump coattails.
Nationally on November 3rd, there will be Republican electoral victories of biblical proportions, and that momentum WILL sweep through Oregon…but only if we have candidates! It’s a lifetime opportunity for those who are bold.
Vacant state Senate Districts? I’ll post that map later today…
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