- Who REALLY is running this country? Is it “expert” Ruler-of-the-Universe Dr. Anthony Fauci who has been SO wrong about everything over the last 8 weeks? Or is it you, President Trump who has been so correct about everything for the last 4 years?
- Right now, isn’t America any dictator’s promised land (think of the leaders of Iran, China, and Venezuela)? Without having to use tanks and guns, convince everyone that it’s wise not congregate in public. Get citizens to “follow-the-rules,” to be silently compliant, and to pressure their neighbors to be that way too. Never mind the Bill of Rights. (Hey! this is an emergency!) Yes, America, we’ve indeed convinced ourselves that being under house arrest is a smart thing to do.
- Is this not a Grand Slam for Democrat Progressives? Big government dictates, political correctness, virtue signaling, social shaming, putting-conservatives-in-their-place, and yes, absolute control of the part of the population that sees things differently (and heck, everyone else too). The scary part of this? We quietly complied. The progressive test is completed and the question is answered: social lockdowns work in America. For whatever reason the progressive Left can dream up, stay-tuned for the next lockdown.
- Why can’t WE decide to stay home? Why can’t WE decide whether or not to let our kids go to school? Why are pot shops and liquor stores open and yet on Easter Sunday we can only celebrate our faith in the church parking lot?
- Anyway, why can’t WE decide if we want to congregate or not? If Fauci-enthusiasts want to isolate themselves, they should do that, but don’t tell Diana and me to stay home. We’ll decide for ourselves.
- Where are the antibody tests? Is it possible MOST Americans have already developed immunity? In early February, I (Sam) was sick with what we surely thought was the flu. Went to the doctor, took the swab test…and it was NOT the flu. And get this: I had been having a bit of trouble breathing at night, and a dry cough. Doctor sent me home and I recovered nicely right after. A few weeks ago, Diana was feeling low for a couple of days with the same symptoms, but with 10% of the severity. We’re both convinced we’ve already had COVID-19 and that we won’t get it again. Our bet is that a HUGE swath of our population has already had it no matter whether they know it or not, and so they have developed immunity. Are the progressive elitists who are holding back the antibody tests doing it to protect their new-found power, to cover for the unnecessary social-distancing lockdown, and/or to not look stupid?
- Immunity ID cards? What is this, Nazi Germany? Don’t ever talk about that idea again.
- WHO exactly is dying? When COVID-19 first started getting newsworthy, we were given the average age of death as part of the statistics (it was 80 as I recall), AND we were given the percentage of deceased patients who already had other serious physical maladies (most did). For weeks now, we’ve not heard those statistics? Why is that?
- Do you elites think you can continue to talk to us like we’re children? Do you think we’re permanently corralled; that we’re going to continue to “follow the rules?” Do you not see that we’ve now had enough of this ? Not four to eight weeks from now. NOW!
- And do you Dr. Andrew Fauci-worshiping elites not see that in shutting down the economy, you are destroying our country? Of course you do. And most of us know you simply don’t care. It’s about power with you people. It’s always been about power.
To President Trump: We love you man, but it’s NOW time to take back control. We understand you have to be careful with this; to give the extra benefit-of-the-doubt to “the smart people,” but now you’ve done that sufficiently and if this goes too much further, you’ll have begun to abdicate power. It’s not like you to do that. We’re with you 110% unless you further fold to these Ruling Class elites. We know you’re physically and mentally worn out but NOW it’s time to bristle; to make these people sit down in the corner and to put yourself – and us, your constituents – back in charge. We ask you to begin this process NOW, before it’s too late. We want to get on with our lives…You’re a good man, President Trump. Do what you have to do. We’ve got your back, major-league.
-sam and diana carpenter