Subscribers understand what Knute Buehler is all about, but we need help to reach those who don’t. Let’s help Cliff Bentz defeat Buehler. Hit that share button on all of these ten posts that we’ll put up in the next ten days about Knute Buehler…in his own words.
Buehler is now saying he’ll fight against Bernie’s Medicare-For-All plan. But that’s not what he said 2 years ago, as a never-Trumper, in an interview with the Eugene Weekly where he adamantly expressed support for government-run health care. Buehler said he would support a single-payer, Medicaid-for-all system: “I would like to see that, as long as the state can afford it, everyone in the state of Oregon guaranteed a basic level of health care, and then allow people to buy up from that level. I’m very supportive on the Medicaid expansion population,”