We’ve spent months investigating: talking to candidates, endlessly going back-and-forth with voters, conducting a scientific poll, and finally making our endorsement decision, just yesterday, based on “what matters most.”
And what matters most? Keeping CD2 Republican in November. The added bonus would be a Pro-Trump, pro-life congressman who truly reflects our values.
That’s Cliff. He’s the obvious choice.
Along with our scientific polling results, here’s our nutshell analysis of the four main contenders:
- Jimmy Crumpacker’s “outsider” baggage would be hotly exploited by Democrats in the general election campaign. Could he possibly win in November? Not likely as his opponent would eviscerate him simply for not having lived in the district.
- Knute Buehler has a history of far-left positioning despite his duplicitous pretense of becoming conservative just three months ago. Could he win the general election? Questionable. Much of the base will “stay home” because of his history of visceral anti-Trump and pro-choice stances. Go here for the overview. It’s a detailed post I put up two weeks ago, and the points I made still stand.
- Cliff Bentz? He’s an experienced legislator who played a key role in the heroic Oregon Senate walkouts. A down-home conservative with 12 years of Salem House and Senate legislative experience, he has deep knowledge of CD2 culture and affairs. He’s “one of us.” I’m a CEO and CD2 resident, so I really like this: he’s had thirty years of private business experience, in eastern Oregon. He’s an attorney too, and as our Congressman that would be a very, very good thing. His positions are great and his ability is proven. In the November general election, with proper campaigning of course, he should easily win the seat against the Democrat nominee. He should land nearly 100% of the Republican vote (and CD2 has 11% more Republicans than Democrats).
- Jason Atkinson has little chance in the primary. He’s too far behind in the polling.
As of last Tuesday, here’s the overall poll numbers and our thumbnail analysis:
- Buehler and Crumpacker are at 23% each. Bentz at 16%. Atkinson 6%. See attached poll
- Buehler and Crumpacker – each underestimating and dismissing Cliff – are making the tactical error of only campaigning against each other. Buehler is hyper-aggressive and prepared, and is going to win this particular internecine war against Crumpacker. (Cliff: are you ready for Buehler’s impending ruthless attacks? They ARE coming….)
- Crumpacker’s former supporters will scatter, mostly to a split between Bentz and Atkinson. (Why the split? Because Bentz and Atkinson have the same relatively low name recognition in the District: less than 50%).
- As things stand now, would Bentz pick up enough ex-Crumpacker votes AND undecided votes to pass Buehler and Crumpacker? Maybe. (Note that over 30% of voters in CD2 are undecided. That’s a lot.)
- To win decisively, here’s what Cliff Bentz should do right now: assertively expose the significant weaknesses of Knute Buehler and Jimmy Crumpacker who are both incredibly vulnerable, each for entirely different reasons. (And note that over 50% of CD2 voters are not even aware of Buehler’s and Crumpacker’s massive negatives.) If Cliff personally exposes the glaring weaknesses of Buehler and Crumpacker, he would open himself up as THE logical alternative and, per our additional (and unpublished) polling, would win in a landslide.
So, we at MOGA2020 enthusiastically support Cliff Bentz! He’s the Republican who can win the general election. And yes, he’s certainly the best man for Congress. But of course he must first win the primary election. (You will receive your mail-in ballot at the very end of this month. Deadline for voting is May 19th.)
Will you join us in helping Cliff Bentz become the next Second Congressional District congressman?
Here’s Cliff’s website and contact information (and when you get to his site, BE SURE to watch the video on the homepage).
Your contribution to his campaign will be used wisely. Thanks!
-Sam (and Diana) Carpenter