Over and over, people ask, “what can I personally do to help?” Here’s what you can do right NOW: contact your county Oregon Republican Party leaders and find out how to apply to be a PCP (Precinct Committee Person) and/or run for office. (The Donald Trump coattails will be powerful in November!)
And there are several upcoming opportunities to turn the state Oregon Republican Party around, and even before that, to stop another distracting recall-Kate-Brown action by the state ORP organization. Really, take the time to read this and then tell your county leaders how you feel:
Do this too: ask your county GOP leadership to elect a new RNC Committeeman and a new RNC Committeewoman in the upcoming internal ORP elections in march. Qualified, Trump-supporting challengers will be announced soon.
Your county ORP leadership has a LOT of power to make change in the state organization….which has had everything to do with our current political nightmare in Salem. Get this: our Republican voters are ON-FIRE. The ultimate problem has never been with them. It’s always been with our own state-level Republican Party leadership. (https://www.makeoregongreatagain.com/newsroom/orp-leadership-must-change-now/)