Where the information is.
With our two MOGA2020 online resources, find great information instantly.
100,000 of you have already subscribed, but here’s a summary you can share with your friends.
First, our website: www.makeoregongreatagain.com. Read the homepage message and do what it asks if you want us to push information to you. (Be sure to join the email list.) Also, for a long backlog of posts, click on NEWSFEED on the homepage toolbar. There’s much more on the site too. Just prowl around. You can also download my MOGA book for free.
Our second major online presence is the Facebook Page. Here you will find all the major posts that you’ll find on the website plus frequent (and oftentimes funny) memes. There will be the occasional Live Feed, too. Be sure to Like the page.
There is much happening now, and our MOGA2020 energy is immediately focused on:
- helping to find candidates for “vacant” House and Senate district races. Deadline for filing is March 10th, and to…
- reinvigorate/redirect our state-level Oregon Republican Party leadership. The Internal Election for ORP National Committeeman is on March 21st. Yes I am a candidate.
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