Will the real Knute Buehler please stand up?
(See the Facebook post I put up this morning. It more completely spells out my stance regarding Buehler’s leftist history.)
“In (a recent) AP interview, Buehler described why he’s a Trump fan.”
“‘We have record low unemployment, record high stock market. I think people appreciate their 401k statements. We have the fewest illegal border crossings that we’ve seen in years. We have renegotiation of trade deals, which was a promise he made,’ Buehler said.”
“He described himself as an ‘independent-minded Republican’ and takes some stances that Trump’s base might oppose, such as supporting abortion rights and a path for legal status for immigrants who are in the country illegally.”
“James Foster, professor emeritus of political science at Oregon State University-Cascades in Bend, said Buehler is playing to the electorate before the May 19 GOP primary.”
“His best strategy is to run to the right and become an acolyte for Donald Trump for the primary, put the primary behind him and the nomination is in his pocket, and then attempt to say, ‘Well, in fact, I am much more moderate than I may have appeared during the primary race,’ Foster said.”
Here is the complete AP article: https://apnews.com/92542042031c8a34466c0f25072bd8d6