Oregon Candidate? Why Being a Trumpster is a Winner

Get this: courageous, non-equivocating Trump-supporting candidates will pick up close to  100% of the Republican base, a majority of Independents, a majority of the unaffiliated, and a good chunk of Democrats, perhaps 15% or more.

Yes, that’s in downtown Portland. It gets even better outside the city.

in 2020, non-apologetic, full-throated support of your president is the winning formula in Oregon or anywhere else!

Things are WAY different this time around due to President Donald Trump as well as our super-minority disaster in Salem…and our “moderate” state-level Oregon Republican Party leadership,  led by the iron-grip of National Committeeman Solomon Yue,  refuses to see those factors.

THINGS ARE DIFFERENT in 2020 and conceding defeat anywhere is not what I want to do. How about you?

Do the numbers! 

For crying out loud, the massive Trump rallies are consistently over 20% Democrat. And in the recent Broward, Florida rally, 27% of the audience was Hispanic. Nationally, Black approval for Trump is 34%. Romney got 6% of the Black vote in 2012.

The latest Rasmussen poll puts Donald Trump at a historically high 52% approval rate.

And don’t tell me Oregon is a special case, that it’s oh-so-blue. Do you really believe the people of Oregon are that much different from people elsewhere?

No. We aren’t that different except for one thing:  we Oregonians have been intimidated into thinking we’re different, and our own Republican leadership leads that argument, conceding defeat in our cities. Dismissing “blue” districts outright, Chris Barreto of the state-level Oregon Republican Party, said this on her Facebook page just this morning, in defense of the ORP’s abandonment of blue districts: “The history of Oregon races is that any district with 15% difference or more (in Republican/Democrat voter registrations) has never been flipped.”*

That IS history!

This is now! This is 2020. It’s a special time and we should NOT concede defeat anywhere.

Want more? For the last several years, unequivocally supporting Donald Trump and not apologizing for being conservative has been the smart and pragmatic protocol for winning Oregon elections, although our own state-level ORP leadership swamp wants you to believe the opposite.

Here are three real-life Oregon examples:

  1. In 2019 in Deschutes County, in her first political effort, Patti Adair defeated a three-term RINO commissioner. Patti is unapologetically pro-Trump and in fact managed Donald Trump’s 2016 Eastern Oregon presidential campaign. (And interestingly enough, just before her commissioner victory, she was unceremoniously dismissed from the ORP Executive Committee…for being conservative.)
  2. Dennis Richardson won his Secretary of State office in 2016…decidedly without ORP support. Dennis was unabashedly in-your-face conservative. He never apologized. He was never intimidated. He didn’t trash-talk President Trump.
  3. Until Knute Buehler unleashed his million-dollar multi-media slime assault on me in the 2018 gubernatorial primary campaign, per scientific polls I was winning that primary race. My campaign spent literally 1/10th of the money Buehler spent. And my staff was 1/10th the size. The ORP spurned me through all of it, in fact with one Executive Committee member going way out-of-bounds, endorsing Buehler in that primary campaign. I had endorsed Donald Trump in early 2016.

And consider this:  give me just one major race in Oregon in the last 20 years in which a RINO has won!

Really. Just give me ONE!

OK, here’s more: look what happened in Kentucky HD99 three days ago (February 25th), per Ronna McDaniel’s tweet: “Big win in Kentucky House District 99! It’s a district Democrats have held for 33 years, where Democrats outnumber Republicans by double-digits, and one the Democrat governor carried in 2019!”

C’mon. It’s a new world if we get bold and start acting like winners! I am so, so damn tired of seeing Oregon Republicans scurrying like scared rabbits into the nearest hideaway, denying their own president, bolting for cover from the obnoxious but relatively small progressive hate-Trump contingent.

Let’s stand up straight and be proud of our conservatism. And let’s take advantage of the Trump phenomenon! To do otherwise is a November 3rd death-wish…

But if you’ve already painted yourself into the never-Trumper corner, last-minute equivocation won’t save you. (Right here in Central Oregon where we live, Diana and I could give you three names…).

We have less than two weeks until the candidate filing deadline. If you are a Trumpster, then run for that House or Senate seat you’ve been thinking about…yes, even in downtown Portland.

Especially in downtown Portland.

Many districts still have no Republican candidates!** And in those districts you WILL get the nomination! This is the chance of a lifetime, to ride the November landslide election coattails of President Donald Trump!

So you don’t win your first-ever race in 2020? Think about 2022 and how things will be then, with two more years of Donald Trump’s leadership….

Be bold. Be unapologetic. Take action. You have until March 10th to file!

Our website? www.makeoregongreatagain.com
-sam carpenter


*And for that matter, I challenge the ORP Executive Committee to demonstrate their attention to finding candidates in districts with LESS than a 15% difference in voter registrations. How much time have you spent? How much money have you contributed to those candidates?

** See the footnote at the bottom of our homepage message on makeoregongreatagain.com to see what districts have no candidates. There’s maps available there too, for both House districts and Senate districts.