The First Step in Taking Back Oregon (is Just Around the Corner)

How do we begin to get Republican control in Oregon? It’s a matter of taking proper steps in the proper sequence, and the first step comes in the Oregon Republican Party internal elections on March 21st in Portland. More on that in a minute.

Get this:  we don’t have a problem with “lazy voters.” I am SO tired of hearing – from fellow Republicans – that “if only our Republicans would vote, we’d be able to take back this state!” That insinuation is flat-out wrong and yes, it’s insulting to everyday people like you and me.

Our own Republican leaders puts forth this BS and too many of us buy into it. It’s a smokescreen and a lousy excuse for leadership’s own utter failure to implement their own Mission Statement which calls for the ORP to find and support candidates for public office.

The prime problem has always been that we don’t have candidates in many, many races. Right now, today, with the filing deadline two weeks away, we have no Republican candidates in a big chunk of our House and Senate district races.

No wonder we have super-majorities in Salem!

So Oregon Republican voters ARE up to the task, in fact are on-fire, but their state-level Oregon Republican Party Executive Committee leadership is utterly useless in finding and encouraging candidates for whom they could vote. That leadership is ruled with an iron fist by National Committeeman Solomon Yue.

The first step in fixing Oregon is to change leadership at the very top NOW, and that starts with the National Committeeman and National Committeewoman elections on March 21st. After that, there are other elections coming up quickly, in May and June and then in November.

It’s that simple,and yes, if you are an ORP Delegate and attending the meeting on March 21st, I’m asking for your vote for National Committeeman. National Committeewoman? Vote for Marylin Shannon.

If we don’t start to get things turned around starting with this March 21st election, our voters will continue to be blamed for the sad state of affairs in Salem and, with that, Republican power will continue to evaporate.

And get this: redistricting happens in 2021. If we don’t salvage our legislatures in this cycle, there really will be no hope for Oregon for the next decade.
