I’m Running for ORP National Committeeman

Updated, Thursday evening February 5th,  8:00PM

I’m ​entering the March 21st Oregon Republican Party National Committeeman election. We are​ just past the deadline for filing ​for the race ​an​d​​it seems there is at least one other candidate who has jumped in to challenge our current Committeeman. I believe the state ORP will make the announcement of candidates tomorrow, February 6th. In any case, the Committeeman position is key to our Oregon Republican Party’s effectiveness and our current Committeeman​, Solomon Yue, ​​must be challenged.

If a better ​challenging ​candidate ​appears​, I may step aside to support that candidate. ​(​I’m fine on a committee, but way better as a CEO.)​ 

Those of you who follow our MOGA2020 blog (we’re close to 100,000 strong now),  understand my concerns about current ORP Executive Committee performance. Here is a summary post of those concerns.

Without equivocation, our state-level ORP leadership must become 100% aligned with President Donald Trump’s vision of America. It’s time for Oregon to break free from its legacy of elitist Democrat progressive domination and Republican submission.

Our current Committeeman, Solomon Yue, has been the undermining force in ORP leadership for the last two decades, twenty years that have seen Oregon Republican political presence steadily decline into insignificance.


Not one of us has failed to see the steady erosion of Republican political power in Salem and at all political levels throughout the state. Think about that powerlessness, and then consider the ORP mission statement. Here it is, taken word-for-word from ORP Bylaws: “The purpose of the State Central Committee shall be to elect Republicans, who promote the platform of the Oregon Republican Party, to public office. To insure growth of the Republican Party through voter registration and volunteer force, to make the Oregon Republican Party the number one national party in Oregon, to lead, contribute, and participate in the establishment of a Republican Party organization that is an effective vehicle for setting public policy through its platform; to coordinate, encourage, and assist county growth through the County central committees, to plan, organize, administer, and finance the State Central Committee’s operations to accomplish the other stated purposes.”

Has the current top state OPR leadership met any of the above goals?

Not by a long shot.

Do we really want the ORP to continue down this clearly-defined path of defeat?

You tell me.

Without question, we need a fresh new direction in Oregon Republican Party leadership TODAY. Let’s make it happen! In the next weeks, Diana and I look forward to traveling the state to chat with as many Delegates and Alternate Delegates as possible.

Let’s connect. You can reach me at samc@makeoregongretagain.com.

We’ll come to you.

-Sam Carpenter