Yet again, here is the mechanical truth: Oregon is blue because of a lack of candidates. It’s not our voters!
If we voters have no one to vote for, how can we win power?
Oregon Republican Party leadership should be focused on finding candidates within Oregon, not going on and on about Nancy Pelosi, Hunter Biden, reposting RNC generic advertising and/or pursuing seriously stupid recall-Kate-Brown efforts that distract our base from what really matters: winning elections.
To our ORP LEADERSHIP: Do your job! WE NEED CANDIDATES! Your responsibility to find candidates is stated in the first line at the very beginning of theORP Bylaws: “To elect Republicans, who promote the platform of the Oregon Republican Party, to public office, To insure growth of the Republican Party, through voter registration and volunteer force, to make the Oregon Republican Party the number one national party in Oregon, To lead, contribute, and participate in the establishment of a Republican Party organization that is an effective vehicle for setting public policy through its platform, To coordinate, encourage, and assist county growth through the County central committees, To plan, organize, administer, and finance the State Central Committee’s operations to accomplish the other stated purposes.”
If working to find candidate is not your job then say so, and then tell us what your purpose actually is.
Good grief…
You can see the tally of House and State districts that have no candidates at the bottom of our website We’ve just updated the numbers. Filing deadline is March 10th: one month away…