Note that right now, 30% of Oregon House Districts and 33% of Oregon Senate Districts have no Republican Candidates for the May primary elections.
Your state-level Oregon Republican Party Executive Committee leaders want you to believe it’s not their job to find, cultivate, encourage and promote candidates for public office. And yes, by their actions and non-actions, they also hope you’ll agree that the ORP Platform can be ignored.
Let’s bury those self-serving myths NOW. Here is part of the first paragraph of the ORP Bylaw document, the Mission Statement of the organization: “The purpose of the State Central Committee shall be to elect Republicans, who promote the platform of the Oregon Republican Party, to public office.”
There’s more of course, but the above is literally the FIRST LINE of the mission statement. (Go here for the Bylaws:
Good Grief. It’s all so simple!
And no, I am not suggesting the ORP endorse candidates in primary campaigns.
If finding and helping good Republican candidates is not the ORP’s central responsibility, then what exactly IS the organization’s job? Is it to have social gatherings, do an occasional press release, endlessly rework and obsess about the very Bylaws that are being ignored, maintain a website and…promote Taiwan. (As an aside, and I’m just asking: does even one Taiwanese give a rat’s butt about political affairs in Oregon, USA? And anyway, aren’t foreign affairs the domain of the U.S. President and his State Department?)
If the ultimate purpose of the state-level Oregon Republican Party isn’t to assist in creating and maintaining conservative power in Oregon, as its own Mission Statement clearly states, again I ask, WHAT precisely IS its purpose?
And there’s this. In Salem, the Senate Caucus and the House Caucus have their own herculean tasks to perform: passing and stopping legislation and, in whatever way they can, protecting you and me. They are overwhelmed heroes, as-is. Finding candidates is a good thing for anyone to do, but does anyone really think that’s among our legislators’ primary responsibilities?
Let’s elect new ORP leadership to come in and do what the organization actually, per its own Bylaws, calls for itself to do.
WHO in their right mind, wants even more of what we’ve been enduring over the last decade?
Let’s make that change starting NOW.
This rejuvenation begins on March 21st with the internal ORP election of both a new RNC Committeeman and a new Committeewoman. In June are the ORP Congressional District elections. This November will be the County Executive Committee elections, and early next year are the state-level ORP executive elections.
However, for you to participate and vote, you must be an elected PCP (Precinct Committee Person). The filing deadline is Mar 10th and the ORP PCP elections are in May.
(Info here: PCP Filing Form SEL105:, and…
County Clerk Contact Info:
Let’s use our new-found excitement and energy to propel Oregon to a Red Trifecta in 2022!
America will be watching Oregon in fascination.