Jeff Gudman is our Republican candidate for State Treasurer and he has assured us personally that he will restore accountability and common sense to the state’s highest position of financial oversight.
He’s MOGA2020’s first official endorsement for the upcoming general election. We just had a huge impact in Cliff Bentz’ CD2 primary election victory and, with an equal thrust, we’re looking forward to helping get Jeff become our State Treasurer in November.
Jeff told Diana and me, “It’s time Oregonians have a trusted and transparent Treasurer, serving the needs of the people instead of a quid pro quo politician in the pocket of special interest groups.” Of course, he is exactly correct…
If you haven’t seen this article from OBP, take a minute and read it. Tobias Read is playing pay-to-play in the state treasurer’s office with our money!
More than 40% of Tobias Read’s campaign contributions have come from big law firms out-of-state. That’s over $100,000 in 2019 alone! That’s outrageous!
Why do these companies and their lawyers, who are based mostly in New York, Washington DC and Delaware, have an interest in an Oregon state treasurer race? Because they stand to receive millions and millions of dollars of compensation if they are selected to represent Oregon in lawsuits against giant corporations and Tobias Reed has the ability to help these law firms secure those contracts with the state!
These pay-to-play politics may be common in Washington DC, but they do not belong in our state.
MOGA2020 is endorsing Jeff Gudman for State Treasurer because he believes in doing what is right. He is not running for office to pad his own pockets or give backroom kickbacks to his friends. He’s running because he has the experience and expertise to be our state’s chief financial officer and he wants to see change. I’ve known Jeff for quite a while, and despite MOGA2020’s policy of limited endorsements, Jeff Gudman is our guy!
This is a critically important election…
Please join Diana and me in supporting Jeff in his campaign. It’s WAY past time that we are represented by a State Treasurer who has the morals, convictions, and experience to make Oregonians proud. You can read more about Jeff at JeffGudman.org and I ask you will join us in supporting him, both financially and of course, in your vote.
Can you chip in $250, $100 or even $50 today to help Jeff win this battle?
Let’s show Jeff that he has a strong backing of supporters who matter – local Oregonians, just like you and Diana and me!
You can donate online at JeffGudman.org/donate
-Sam Carpenter
Yours for Oregon,
Sam and Diana Carpenter