As of last weekend, in the 60 state House races we’re already below last year’s final no-Republican-has-filed-yet “vacancy” tally, and that is VERY good news. last year’s final tally was 25%. Today we’re at 18%. We hope to hit 10-12% by today’s 5:00PM filing deadline.
For all of you candidates, especially our first-timers, THANK YOU for being bold enough to make your personal statement!
Go to our website homepage here, and get an updated overview of everything. (The “vacancy” stats are in a footnote at the bottom of the page.)
5:00PM TODAY, the 10th, is the deadline for filing for both becoming a candidate and to become a PCP.
Please, please, please…if you’ve been thinking about running for office, just do it…NOW! To file go here.
In any case please consider becoming a PCP (Precinct Committee Person). It will be an incredibly potent way for you to make your personal impact on the real-world. Remember, the name-of-the-game for Oregon Republicans in 2020 is assertive, confident action...just like Donald Trump!
This assertive, confident ACTION is how we turn Oregon red by 2022! Go here for the latest details regarding becoming a PCP.
-sam and diana