Keeping in mind that this is a left-leaning OPB article (see link below), here’s the ultimate take-away…and it’s very good news: if Governor Brown moves ahead with an Executive Order on a new carbon tax, she will be guaranteeing the election of a conservative Republican governor in 2022. (And yes, whatever Executive Order Brown implements will be immediately rescinded by this new governor).
Boosted by President Trump’s electoral coattails, the House and the Senate will go Red by 2022, too.
We must stick together on this, and in our immediate outrage lets NOT institute another Recall effort or create any other distraction from what we can accomplish the simple and quick old-fashioned way, through elections.
And for sure, we must change our current Oregon Republican Party leadership to make this happen. We’ll do that the simple way too, this year, through our Party’s own internal electoral process.
One last thing: MANY thanks to our Republican legislators for courageously walking away from our current Democrat Progressive overlords. Now the people will be backing you up. Just watch!