Who Composes the Oregon Ruling Class?

It’s a minority of voters, headed up by Democrat progressives, perhaps 50% of all Democrats. I’ll say it diplomatically: These are unreasonable people. This Democrat progressive Ruling Class contingent is powered by a deranged hatred, not just for our president but for you and me. You know it’s true.

Also included in the Ruling Class are Republican “never-Trumpers,” less than 10% of Oregon Republicans who, unwittingly and wittingly, keep those Democrat progressives in power. You guessed it: never-Trumpers are also unreasonable people, and right now they control the state-level Oregon Republican Party which has miniscule support within our Republican voting base of over 704,000. (However, a majority of the 33 county party organizations remain strong and self-directed.)

For way too long, this Democrat and Republican Ruling Class minority has been calling the shots for you and me. And of course, their motivation is to hold on to power and not to prioritize what’s best for regular everyday county-class people like us: Oregonians who work jobs, run businesses, pay taxes, raise children, compose our military and police…and make Oregon work.

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– Sam Carpenter.