Points 6-9: House race statistics, three minutes to speak, voter enthusiasm, questions for SY.

Note: Over these last ten days before the National Committeeman election, I will continue this series of messages to our State Central Committee Delegates and to our MOGA2020 email list. This series, you can find the first five points, here, has to do with the direction of the Party as channeled by its most senior member and Executive Committee power-broker, current National Committeeman Solomon Yue.

  1. The deadline for filing for Oregon public office was yesterday. As a whole, regarding the sixty House races, compared to 2018, how did things turn out? In 2018, twenty-five percent of our House races had no Republican candidate. This year? Just ten percent! It’s too bad we at MOGA2020 had to go over and above the ORP Executive Committee to assertively take up candidate recruitment – by far the most important task for any state GOP organization. For sure we are not responsible for all of the fifteen percent improvement – other people, including those in the House Caucus, and individuals in our county organizations – worked hard, too. But we sure as heck had something significant to do with a large chunk of this improvement…as well as the direct recruitment of a stellar Attorney General candidate, Daniel Crowe. And also, sure-as-heck, our ORP Executive Committee brass never did show much interest in recruitment.
  2. And regarding candidate recruitment, current ORP top leadership, ram-rodded by Solomon Yue, does not abide by its own Bylaw Mission Statement. The result? We get unqualified candidates or no candidates at all. THIS is why we have Democrat supermajorities and still must cope with an outrageous governor. The suggestion that Oregon conservative political impotence is the result of Republican “voter apathy,” is a blatant lie. Nearly 90% of Oregon Republicans voted in 2016 – percentage-wise, more than Democrats – and no small thing, mostly because of Donald Trump.
  3. In the first post in this series, I stated I was expecting to get five minutes to make my candidate presentation at the upcoming Executive Committee meeting. I was wrong. The Executive Committee is giving each candidate three minutes. In that regard, I sent this letter to Chair Bill Currier.
  4. There are questions that the ORP must answer. I first asked these fifteen questions last summer, but today I direct them to Solomon Yue who leads the Executive Committee from “behind the curtain.” Only one of the fifteen has been addressed, having to do with improvements in the Facebook Page and the website. (And note that this attempt at system improvement has been horribly bungled.*)

* A website expert reported the following, after reviewing the new ORP site: “The website is not mobile-friendly. No process has been implemented to allow responsiveness to the client platform. This is a major setback for search engine indexing and ranking https://developers.google.com/search/mobile-sites/mobile-first-indexing. The site has a multitude of SEO issues, missed AMP version of pages and structured data, etc. I’d grade the construction effort “F” (or even “E”) in terms of SEO optimization and site structure.”